Coming to you live in Walton County.... Britney Spears! Well, not exactly, but you can see some similarities to her, right?
This is actually a photo of the Walton Regional Medical Center CEO, Gary Lang. For the past few years, Gary and others have put on a show for the Walton community to celebrate the Walton County United Way fundraising campaign kick-off. This year's theme is "Under the Big Top."
Nancy Kinsey, campaign chair, sums it up. “Sometimes we feel like we have our heads in the lion’s mouth,” said campaign chairman Nancy Kinsey, fully getting into the circus theme as other members of the campaign arrived in full big top gear. “But we have some amazing agencies in Walton County, walking a high-wire act above us to help those in need. The United Way is the safety net for those agencies and the people they help."
Thank you to all of the hard-working individuals at the United Way that raise funds to support the Red Cross and other important agencies!