National Volunteer Week was April 10-16, 2011, and the American Red Cross East Georgia Chapter celebrated at its monthly volunteer meeting! Chapter volunteers were surprised by a 10-foot long banner featuring each of their names (we have more than 70 superstar volunteers!), a cake, and tabletop decorations--all in a superstar theme.
This great group of volunteers gives generously to their own communities throughout the 14 counties the East Georgia Chapter serves, as well as other communities around the state and Southeast, that are affected by disasters.

To find out more about how these awesome people are serving the East Georgia Chapter, check out our new Twitter account or visit us on Facebook!
Volunteers Laura Gutsmann and BJ Brown were deployed to the Disaster Relief Operation in North Carolina with Red Cross an Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV). The ERV is used to conduct mobile feeding throughout the areas affected by the tornado and to distribute bulk items like shovels, tarps, rakes, etc.