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Monday, September 12, 2011

Are You Prepared? September=National Preparedness Month

Would you be prepared if there was an emergency tonight, tomorrow, or next week? This September marks the eighth annual National Preparedness Month which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Their goal, along with other organizations such as the American Red Cross, is to use this month to spread awareness on what it means to be prepared in the face of an emergency and to make sure your answer to the first question is a “yes.”

There are three key steps to being prepared: Build a kit, make a plan, and be informed. An emergency kit should include enough supplies to last three days. These supplies should include one gallon of water per person, per day, nonperishable food, a first aid kit, medications, a multi-purpose tool, personal hygiene items, a flashlight and batteries, and copies of important personal documents. A variety of emergency preparedness kits, first aid kits and other supplies are available at

When making an emergency plan, all members of the household should work together so that everyone is informed and ready if an emergency were to arise. The plan should include a location that everyone can meet if you cannot go home. Make sure to include an out-of-area contact person in your plan. Be informed about what types of disasters are most likely to affect the area that you live in and how local authorities will contact you if one were to happen. Watch the news, listen to the radio, and check websites to stay updated about local and national information. Get Tech Ready, is a website recently launched by the Red Cross, FEMA, the Ad Council, and Google Crisis that teaches people how to use technology to prepare and recover from emergencies or disasters.

No one can predict when an emergency or disaster will occur. Contact your local chapter of the American Red Cross to find out what courses you can take to better prepare yourself with knowledge on emergency situations and life-saving skills. Visit to find out what classes the East Georgia Chapter offers and spread the word throughout your community to help ensure that everyone has the chance to be prepared for a disaster.

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