“I’ll take giving blood for $1,000 Alex.” You may be an avid viewer or have only seen Jeopardy once or twice. Either way, the phrase should be familiar to you. On Tuesday night’s episode of Jeopardy, the American Red Cross was featured in a category about donating blood. If you were lucky enough to see the episode you would’ve seen the Jeopardy Clue Crew at the American Red Cross Blood Bank in Washington D.C. The Clue Crew gives Jeopardy contestants visual clues through real life experiences.
Kelly Miyahara about to give blood.
Clue Crew members Kelly Miyahara and Sarah Whitcomb presented clues by showing the audience and contestants the process of donating blood. Kelly posted on the crew’s Facebook page that she was unable to give blood on the day of the shoot due to clotting issues, but she definitely plans to try and donate again in the future. Her fellow Clue Crew member Sarah was successfully able to donate blood!
Sarah Whitcomb holding the blood she just donated
The Red Cross spotlight on Jeopardy was a wonderful way to spread knowledge throughout the nation about the facts, fictions, and purposes of blood donations. If you are interested in learning more about giving blood, visit
www.redcrossblood.org or visit your local Red Cross Chapter.
To read more about the Clue Crew members’ experience in Washington D.C. visit their Facebook page at
www.facebook.com/jeopardy. Remember, every minute of every day someone is in need of blood. The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood!
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